The report is divided into two parts: The Market Fundamentals and The Market Opportunities.
The Fundamentals |
Within the fundamentals you will understand the facts about Moms and children. You will also get to know Mom better by looking at the different ‘stages’ she goes through as a mother of children at varying ages. Additionally, you will step inside her mind to understand not how she is using her cell phone or how much time she spends on the internet, but what she worries about and/or what motivates her.
The Opportunities |
The second part of the report takes macro trends and applies them to the Mom Market and explores the resulting micro trends. Highlighting the most influential shifts in the U.S.: Finances, Ethnicity, Eco-Awareness and Technology, the report is filled with specific insights, implications and examples of opportunities for brands.
Each chapter includes insights and implications so that once you put the report down you will have ideas, plans and actions in mind. Highlights include a look at brand attribute importance by Moms vs. females overall and by Moms across different ethnic groups.
Additionally, commentary on new products in the market coming directly from Moms is included for understanding and distillation.
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